A team of the worlds best neuroscientists, psychologists, data scientists, and graphic designers are given as much funding as they need. Their mission is to create the funniest image known to man.

“And the group of you think the funniest image known to man would be me?” “Not just the group of us, we have thousands of hours of hard data to back it up. Brain scans, marketing polls, consumer questionnaires, focus groups. Do you know that computer IBM made, Watson? Well he beat Ken Jennings in Jeopardy and he agrees too. We double checked all our data with him and he got the same result.” “How can that even be? Did you steal my image and show it to people?” “No, no, it doesn’t work like that. We created a composite sketch of the image from all our data and posted that image online. The fake is quite funny, but people can tell it is fake. Crazy what the human brain can do in just fractions of a second, detect our composite is fake. We decided to have a worldwide search for the man who looked closest to the person in our composite, and that person is you. We’ve done the same with the monkeys and let me tell you it was a lot harder to find 9 look alike monkeys then one simple human. Simple isn’t the right word but you know what I mean. There aren’t as many monkeys and they are hard to find. We have been on the search for these doppelgangers for about 8 months now and you’re the last piece of the puzzle.” “There are 9 monkeys in the picture with me?” “Yes, did you not see the picture? It was on the news, everyone got a great laugh from it. 9 monkeys and one person, your composite doppelganger, in tutus. You must have seen it.” “Tutu’s?! I’m not wearing a tutu and besides, why does it have to be me? What makes me so funny?” “Well we have the hard data as to why but instead of beating around the bush, I’ll just come out and say it. You are funny looking. By no means the funniest looking human on Earth, but you have to admit it yourself. You have seen yourself in a mirror before correct. Or you probably notice when you tell a joke and bit of a bigger laugh then necessary. That’s because you are a funny looking guy. It isn’t a bad trait, women love to laugh. Or men, men also love to laugh. The point is you’re funny looking and perfect for this picture.” “I’m not going to do it. I don’t care if it is the funniest image known to man or if you have all the data in the world to prove it, I’m not putting on a tutu and having my picture taken with monkeys. I will not humiliate myself for yours and others enjoyment.” “I won’t lie, my team was afraid of this. We are willing to pay you $100,000.” “Where is that tutu? Are we doing the picture now?”